ppp visual



Bouncing Balls (2005)

How many bouncy balls were used?


How many days did it take to film?

4 days

Where was it filmed?

San Francisco 

Did they use CGI?


Advertisement Genre Identification

Wii Mario Kart - 30 Second Hard Sell

Crisis - Public Information, Realist Narrative, Series

Vic Smith - 30 Second Hard Cell

Coinstar - Animated 

Dead Dad - Realist Narrative 

Go Compare - Public Information

Live With It - Public Information, Anti-realist Narrative

Brands, Logos, and Slogans: What Are They?

Brands - A trademark that visually distinguishes the goods sold by a company from the goods sold by other companies.

Logos - An emblem that represents a company or organization

Slogans - A motto of a company or organization. 

The Inbetweeners 

  1. What themes emerge from the narrative? 

The main theme is sexism.  

  1. How are males represented? 

Males are represented as goofy, carnal creatures who want nothing more but sex. They will do whatever possible to win over a girl.  

  1. How are females represented? 

The females enjoy seducing males with their exceptional beauty.

The Ideal Beauty 

  1. Is she tall or short? 


  1. Heavy set or slim? 


  1. A Caucasian woman or a woman of color? 


  1. The ideal male? 

Muscular, tall, Caucasian. 


What do we mean by the term representation? Answer specifically to media products. 

How people of certain races, genders, or ethnic groups are publicly portrayed for advertising purposes. 

What is the difference between Race and Ethnicity? 

Race divides people into groups based on certain physical characteristics. Ethnicity distinguishes people based on cultural, linguistic, or religious factors. 

What role does the media play in constructing ideas about race and ethnicity? 

The media may portray people of a certain race or ethnic group as stereotypical subjects. 

Do you think certain ethnic groups or races are portrayed as being more powerful than others? 

I believe there may be a societal hierarchy based on race and ethnicity.  

What is stereotyping? Can you think of positive and negative stereotypes? 

Stereotyping is the justification of a certain group of people who only possess a certain characteristic. The people who lack that characteristic are usually viewed or treated negatively.  

Do you see people who look like you represented in the media? Are these representations prominent and/or accurate? 

Well, I have never seen people who look anything like me before; but I have noticed that the people who are the most fabled are those who are either wealthy, brilliant-minded, or attractive.  


I like this logo because of its symbolism and visual style. The color scheme allows for good contrast. The figure seen is actually the pagan, Mesopotamian goddess 'Ishtar'. She was portrayed as the goddess of love, sexuality, fertility, and war in ancient Mesopotamia. Personally, I like it when symbolism is incorporated into visual arts because they are more compelling.  


This logo appeals to me because of the elements used and how they are configured. They all serve meanings in NASA's innovations, accomplishments, and what they generally do. Despite the elements frequently overlapping each other, they are still distinguishable from one another. The color scheme is simple but attractive.


An outdoor, sustainable shoe, specially designed for traversing rugged or slippery surfaces without losing footing.   


- Made out of sustainable material
- Suitable for extreme terrain conditions 
- Good for the outdoors


Eventually, I settled on a logo that resembles a scorpion. An earlier concept of the logo is seen in the bottom right corner.


The official logo. The Pen Tool was used to draw out the shapes. They were then assembled together to resemble a scorpion.


I am pleased with the outcome. The making of the logo went well. I wouldn't say there are any areas I would've approached differently.



The packaging design for the product. A black tone was applied by modifying the hue and saturation (HUE: -33, SATURATION: +25). For finer color contrast, I altered the colors of all the elements of the logo to white.


I am satisfied with the outcome. I was able to distort the logos as though they were on the actual package without inconvenience. After modifying the hue and saturation to my liking, an unintended, shadow-like effect was also applied. Due to my limited knowledge of Photoshop, I was unable to remove the effect. 


The animation features an artistic and simple impression of a rocket launching. Some elements assemble together into a rocket-like object. It then launches and reveals the full logo.

What is its purpose?
The animation relates to the name "Rocketgraph".

What imagery is used?
Almost no imagery is used and the imagery used is fairly simple and plain.

What colors are used?
Akin to the usage of imagery, a very simple scheme of colors is also used (pink, white, and purple).

What kind of typography is used?
Again, a very simple font style is used.

Is it interesting?
It's fine.



An animated version of the logo made on Adobe Animate. The logo's course of motion was set to simply slide from the left to the right across the template and bounce back to the center. As it moves,  it's repeatedly obstructed by a chain of white rectangles. Their white color matches the color of the background template so that they would only be seen as the logo passes behind them. 

I am satisfied with the outcome. Little difficulty was involved. 


Primary Research

- Information is up-to-date
- Information is accurate and authentic 

- Pricey 
- Complicated to set out
- Data may be incomplete
- Complicated to analyze

Secondary Research

- Low cost
- Less time-consuming
- Easier accessibility 

- Information may be outdated or incomplete
- Poor quality research
- May not meet research's needs

What makes a good product?
A credited product would need to be designed in a way that would meet the expected standards of the product's respective audience.

Primary Research: Methods for Gathering Relevant Information

Interviews - Interrogating customers about their expectations regarding how that certain product would be ideal for them. 

Prototypes - Manufacturing an early version of the product and putting it to the test can make it clear if improvement is needed or if any evident flaws need addressing.

Quantitative and Qualitative Research: What's the Difference?

Quantitative research questions aim to disprove online theories or elicit numerical information.

Qualitative research questions aim to gather information based on customer feedback. 
Examples: Did our product meet your expectations? Would you rely on our product for practical, everyday use?

Secondary Research: What Sources Would I Use and Why Would I Need to Reference Them?

I would use formal, official sources that many would consider to contain plausible, authentic information. An example could be a website owned by a government agency. 

Referencing information gathered from external sources is important because the data belongs to the original source where their data was recorded through their own findings.

Additionally, it's also important for the following reasons:

- If you fail to cite your sources, you may be accused of plagiarism; which can jeopardize your academic position. 
- Shows your appreciation and acknowledgment for the source's contribution to your research.
- Overall, your research is simply credited more.

What is Harvard Referencing?
Harvard Referencing is a method of citing the information gathered from its original source-- by emphasizing the author's name and the date the information was published. 

What is a tagline?
A tagline is similar to a slogan-- it's a short piece of text that clarifies or implies a company's thought; or simply for dramatic effect.

A Tagline and a Slogan: What's the Actual Difference?
Taglines are more official and, therefore, less subject to change. On the other hand, slogans may see more frequent changes.

What makes a well-thought-out tagline?
To many, it would seem, a tagline worthy of praise should imply a compelling story or clarify some inspirational advice through a limited number of words.


The Stepfather

Detonation: What Do I See?

I see a person with only his fists projecting out of the darkness while holding a red and white striped tie. The rest of him is not seen. 

Connotation: What Are the Implications?

I believe there are sinister implications. The tagline phrasing: "This fall, Daddy's home." attempts to evoke a sense of peril and perhaps to imply that the soon-to-be victims are his former children as also told by the prime title: "THE STEPFATHER". Additionally, I also believe that the figure may be plotting a dark act of revenge in response to his ex-wife divorcing him.


Detonation: What Do I See?

I see a man in a suit standing in the middle of a flooded, urban street. 

Connotation: What Are the Implications?
The tagline phrasing: "YOUR MIND IS THE SCENE OF THE CRIME." seems to imply, in my opinion anyways, that the man possesses psychic abilities and is the root cause of the strange, sequence of events that couldn't have occurred naturally.

The Expendables

Detonation: What Do I See?

Three muscular, heavily armed guys in a dumpsite. One wielding a sniper, another smoking a cigarette, and all three wearing bulletproof vests.

Connotation: What Are the Implications?

The setting seems to be characteristic of an action movie-- complete mayhem. It may also imply that they are reckless and ambitious criminals who will do whatever is needed to succeed in their heists. 


Detonation: What Do I See?

I see an enormous shark propelling itself upwards towards a lady. The lady will probably, inevitably, become shark food.

Connotation: What Are the Implications?

There is an aquaphobic feel-- the lady casually enjoying a nice dip in the water completely oblivious to her imminent, gruesome end. Perhaps, this is all in an attempt to warn you not to venture too far out into the sea because you never know what may be lurking in those waters.

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